Are Your Cataracts Getting Worse? 4 Signs You Need Eye Surgery

Posted on: 28 May 2021

Cataracts occur when the proteins in your eye break down and start clinging to the lenses. If left untreated, they soon become big enough to interfere with your eyesight. When that happens, your optometrist might recommend you see an eye surgeon for eye surgery. During surgery, the eye surgeon doesn't just remove the cataracts. They also remove the entire lens in your eye and replace it with an artificial one. But how do you know you have developed cataracts and that you need an eye surgeon to remove them? Here are four signs to guide you. 

Your Vision Is Impaired At Night

If you have been struggling to see at night, cataracts could be the cause. You should avoid driving during the night because cataracts can cause double vision, making it hard for you to read the road signs well enough. Moreover, it will hinder you from seeing oncoming vehicles clearly because the condition makes your eyes sensitive to light. 

So if you are having trouble driving and doing other activities at night, visit your optometrist for help. They will conduct several tests to determine whether you have developed cataracts that require a surgical procedure to remove. 

Everything Seems Faded

With all the beautiful colours around, it would be frustrating to lose the ability to enjoy them. Sadly this is what happens to people suffering from cataracts. You can no longer enjoy the beautiful flowers in your yard or even the beautiful spring weather. This can make life feel worthless and lonely. However, you can put an end to this agony through eye surgery and enjoy life again. 

Everything Seems Blurry

In addition to colour fading, you could also experience blurriness in your vision when you develop cataracts. In this case, images seem blurry or you might have double vision. Over time, the condition will affect your ability to go about your day. You will also be forced to depend on people to do simple tasks such as going to the bathroom, cooking and eating. Through eye surgery, you will regain your clear vision and independence as well.

Reading Becomes a Hurdle Even With Reading Glasses

If your favourite hobby during your free time is reading books, cataracts can get in your way. You will find it hard to make out the words even though you have the strongest reading glasses. If this has been happening, it means that the situation is dire and requires urgent eye surgery to remove your cataracts. 

The above signs can happen to anyone regardless of age. So do not assume that cataracts are only for the old. Luckily, you can find help and save your eyes through eye surgery. Visit your optometrist when you experience any of the signs mentioned above. 
